Loan Period |
Late Fees/day |
Restrictions |
Videos (DVD/Blu-Ray) | 7 | $.20 | Limit 8 - Main Library Adult or Teen Section Rated 'R' |
Children's Videos (DVD/Blu-Ray) |
7 | $.20 | - Limit 8 - |
Audio Books | 28 | $.20 | - Limit 5 - |
CDs | 7 | $.20 | - Limit 5 - |
Magazines | 7 | $.20 | |
Books | 28 | $.20 | |
Best Sellers | 28 | $.20 | |
Reference | 7 | $.20 | |
Non-Circulating Reference | 0 | - | Limit 10 free copies/ $.15 copy for additional pages |
E-books | 21 (can vary) | $0 | 30 holds / 20 checkouts (excluding magazines) |
Automatic Renewals: (effective 6/12/18)
Employee Policy Manual (PDF)
Meeting Room Policy (PDF)
All volunteers for the Carroll County District Library must fill out a volunteer profile from. These forms will be kept on file at the library. All volunteers must wear the nametag: "Volunteer" while providing service to the library. Those assigned to volunteer outside the facility, e.g. Bookbuddy home deliveries, will have their name printed on the nametag. All volunteers will receive information about the library. Most volunteers will require training and orientation prior to assignments. All persons providing service in or from the facility will record their hours on the forms provided in the volunteer box in the staff break room. One form is good for the entire year. Totals will reflect service hours donated, unless you are assigned here from DHS. A copy of this form will be available for tax purposes. Check with the IRS for more details. Volunteers are not permitted to give library assistance to the public. You are to direct patrons to the first available qualified staff.
70 Second St NE
Carrollton, OH 44615
Phone: 330-627-2613
Fax: 330-627-2523
Monday - Thursday (9-7)
Friday (9-6)
Saturday (9-1)
710 E. Porter St, Box 487
Malvern, OH 44644
Phone: 330-863-0636
Fax: 330-863-0419
Monday - Friday (9-6)